
I figured the best way to answer most peoples questions was to write a blog post, something I haven’t done in MONTHS. It’s handy, though, for when simple facebook statuses don’t cover it.

This past Sunday, along with over 900 people in the OKC Archdiocese, I was confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church.



Well, like so many important things in life, this has many many answers.

1) The easiest to understand: My family. My husband was raised Catholic, we were married in the Catholic Church, my son was Baptized Catholic, and though we had discussed raising him multi-denominational in the past, in practice it just isn’t that easy. My son and husband would have a bond and connection spiritually that I would not be a part of. Being part of the Catholic church means more than just which building you enter on Sunday. There’s a unity there that only those who have joined the church get to partake in. Going to mass for 6+ years has shown me this, and until Judah I was fine with not being a part of that. But I couldn’t stand thinking there was a part of my son I would never understand.

2) The doxology. I think this is where people get hung up who know me. I was raised Southern Baptist, and joined Journey Church (Evangelical Covenant) right out of High School. Since meeting Nathan he has opened my mindset about what being a christian really means. I’ve believed for a long time that not every denomination has all the answers, and there is NOT one that is more holy or accepted by God. There is so much more to God than the labels and beliefs we assign Him.

3) The history. I don’t think anyone will deny the long history of the Catholic Church. I mean, it was the first organization of christian believers. The rich history, understanding of the Bible and how it was put together, how it is meant to go hand in hand with the Church, and how it’s words can be implemented in our lives is so wondrous to me.

4) The leaders. Yes, I mean the Pope and all the cardinals and bishops, all the way to the priests and even lay-persons. A big thinking in the Catholic church is the adjusting and flowing with the current society, with the current culture. Just research Vatican Council I & II and you’ll see a group of people that got together to change the church for the people. They adapted, while still holding to the truth and traditions of the first christians. A place that understands the value of the changing thinking and needs of the people is where I want to be.

Another tenant is the understanding that the Pope is NOT the highest ranking in the Church. The people are. WE are. The Priest is the servant of the people, the Bishop the servant of the priest, the Pope the servant of us all.That sort of servant thinking, the selflessness of the church officials is a breath of fresh air to me.

When I began to pray about becoming Catholic (Lent 2014), the thing holding me back was the fear that catholisim would put me in a box, would put God in a box, that I would feel held down/held back by their beliefs or practices. I was so surprised and blessed to find the complete opposite true. I have never felt more freedom, more connectedness to God, more truth about my own spirituality than now.

SO, how did I become Catholic? Well, it started with meeting once a week, every week, from November to Easter. We learned about what the Catholic church believes about practically EVERYTHING, and in a small group so we got to ask plenty of questions and get clarifications. We participated in retreat where we were invited to examine ourselves and pray over the teachings. Then, closer to Easter, we became the “Elect”, we decided that this is a path we wish to continue down. We stood in front of the church and had them pray over us. We did this about 5-6 times before Lent. We then went before the Archbishop and did the same thing. We declare our intentions and were blessed and prayed for. And FINALLY at Easter vigil, we stood before the church, declared that YES we believe all the Church teaches and want to live our lives out in service to God and His church, and were Confirmed under a Saint’s name (I choose St. Anne, mother of Mary, for my mom Lori Anne). (I didn’t know it was going to be added as a middle name, which means more to me than I can express.)


And then, we took first communion and were welcomed into the Church. I’m so happy with my choice and I am SO looking forward to this new path God has led me down.

If you have any specific questions about the Catholic Church, please comment here or message me. I would love to quell any anxieties about this big change in my life.

Influenster Item #7: Sole Society Coupon

The last item I received as part of my Influenster Holiday Vox Box was this coupon to Sole Society.


This coupon will get you $25 off your purchase. Please use it and pass it on, anyone can use it!

I browsed the site, and there are actually some really cute shoes. Here are a few of my favorites:

dylan_coral_978_1 brooke-hot-fuchsia heather-black jasmine-light-taupe sandra-coral

Influenster Item #6: eBoost Energy Powder

Not too much to say about this because I did not drink it. My husband ran out of energy drinks, so I suggested he try this.

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He mixed it up when he got to work and sent me this picture of the drink:


His only critic was “gross”. Sorry I can’t elaborate more for you, but I know a lot of celebrities like it, so, who knows. My husband doesn’t have the most delicate of palettes lol!


Influenster Item #5: NYC Lip Gloss in “Nude York City”

Quick post here. Tried the lip gloss that was in my Influenster Holiday Vox Box:


The applicator was nice. I liked that it was long and bendy.


The Verdict?


Nice. It’s very thick, which means it would stay for awhile. The nude color is nice, and nude lip color is very on-trend.


Yup, I’ll probably use this again!

Thanks Influenster!

Influenster Item #4: Goody Quickstyle

Next item on board is the Goody Quickstyle Brush.

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It has absorbant microfiber bristles that supposedly help your hair dry faster. (by 30%!)


So to test this brush, I pitted it against my old faithful round brush to see if it dried faster and how it did with styling.


The verdict?


Pretty much the same. I couldn’t notice any major differences. They both dried at the same speed, and left my hair looking identical. the right side on the pic was the Goody Quickstyle, and the right side is my round brush. I did notice that the Quickstyle seemed to frizz my hair more than the round brush, but they are both the same frizziness at the end, so who knows if that was accurate.

A quick once over with the flat iron (and some makeup for the pic), and Voila!


Goody Quickstyle. Not my cup of tea, but try for yourself!

Influenster Item #3: Kiss “Nail Dress”

My next wonderful item from Influenster was:

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I’ve used stick on nail decals before, so putting them on was pretty simple. These were actually easier to put on because you could remove and re-stick them without tearing or stretching them.


It took me about 10-20 mintues to apply them all. The only downside to these was I didn’t care for the pattern. Too gaudy for me. I liked the swirly parts of the decal though, so…


That’s what I did! I think they came out pretty good. Could’ve used a clear top-coat because the edges are rather rough, but pretty good for a fun something new.

And good news, here’s what I have left after doing all the nails on my hands:


What a great value! Thanks Influenster!

Influenster Holiday Box Item #2: Montagne Jennesse Clean-up Mud

I’m back with another Influenster post! The next item I got was this:

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I was very excited to get a face mask, since my face has been broken out lately. Hormones+Holiday cookies=lots of concealor.

First thing I noticed was the smell. It was minty and very strong. The mud texture was wonderful and went on very smoothly. This particular one contained Aloe Juice to help with breakouts. WONDERFUL!


I let it sit for 10-15 mins (I was watching Battlestar Galatica and taking care of 2 puppies so not sure exactly how long). It was very firm and dry. I couldn’t even move my face to smile for the camera!


It was work to get it off, but I did, and my face was fresh and clean!


Usually with any type of face product, my skin gets red and dry, but this left it soothed and moisturized. And today it feels great still! Thanks Influenster!

Influenster Christmas Box Item #1: Quaker Oats Real Medleys Oatmeal


Today I got my Holiday Box from Influenster. If you are unfamiliar with Influenster, it’s a website you can sign up for to receive products and review them. Check out and start influensting (new word)!ImageHere is the first thing I pulled out of my box. It was perfect since I got my box at around 9 am and I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. I love Quaker Oatmeal since they always put out great quality stuff, especially these on-the-go type meals. 

This one had Cherries, Pistachios, Almonds, and Quaker Oats (Of course!). The directions gave the option to put it in a pot and boil it, but since I was at work, I went with the microwave version. Honestly, I would have gone with that if I were at home too, since I’m lazy and want my food when I want it lol!

I microwaved (‘waved? micro’ed?) with some water added, let it sit for about a minute afterwards and….


It was delish! The cherries added a wonderful sweetness, and the pistachios balanced it out with a slight salty flavor. I gobbled it up! I’m going to be looking for these in the market next time and see what other flavors there are. If they are as good as this one, they will be bought….by me….then eaten…you get it.


Stay tuned for more Influenster products! Coming up next… Montagne Jennesse “Clean-up Mud” face mask.

Introvert Illness

I just got back from a great float trip with friends. It was awesome. Just 4 couples hanging out, having fun, all day Saturday and half the day Sunday. 

But between the soreness from paddling all day, the slight sun burn, and the exhaustion I always get when I hang out with people for that long, today I find myself in a slump. I’m in a bad mood, and I can tell. I hate when you KNOW you are in a bad mood, but can’t do anything besides try not to bite anyones head off.

Thankfully, I work with my best friend, and she always knows just what to say and when not to say anything at all. I also got to have lunch with a good friend I haven’t talked to in awhile. Between the two of them, and watching the new Drop Dead Diva when I get home, I think I will make it.

I find in these times that it becomes very hard for me to connect to God, and to feel His love. Because, I know, of the aforementioned issues I’m dealing with emotionally today, I’ve felt the hope in having a child slip away. Why can’t I seem to remember all the things God tells me, and apply them to my life. He tells me He has me, that I can trust in what He has planned for me, but my stupid human brain forgets that the moment I start to feel bad.

Ugh. I hate my fickle heart sometimes.


I can’t write what I’m really feeling…

…so here’s a video about what I’m feeling instead.